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2017: “Nicaragua before the International Court of Justice: Impacts on International Law” - Edited by Mr. Edgardo Sobenes and Mr. Benjamin Samson (Springer).

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2022: "The Environment through the Lens of International Courts and Tribunals"- Edited by  Edgardo Sobenes, Benjamin Samson and Sarah Mead (T.M.C. Asser Press) (forthcoming publication).

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2022: "Hablemos de Derecho Internacional - Volumen I"- Edited by  Edgardo Sobenes, Laura Íñigo y Pablo Ferrara (HDI)

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2023: "The Youth Climate Justice Handbook - Legal Memorandum"

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2024: "Hablemos de Derecho Internacional - Volumen I"- Edited by  Edgardo Sobenes y Carlos Gil Gandía


2025: "Manual de Litigio: Corte Internacional de Justicia"- Edgardo Sobenes & Anne Coulon (Tirant lo Blanch)

Capítulos en Libros

  • 2023: (Scientific Committee) Protection and Promotion of Freedom of Religions and Beliefs in the European Context, Luca Paladini, Maria del Ángel Iglesias Vázquez (Editors), Springer 

  • 2023: 'General International Law' Edgardo Sobenes & Francesco Sindico, in Research Handbook on Climate Change Litigation (Edward Elgar).

  • 2022: ‘The Application of the Principles of International Environmental Law by International Courts and Tribunals’, Edgardo Sobenes & John Devaney, in International Courts and Tribunals and the Protection of the Environment Edited by Edgardo Sobenes, Benjamin Samson and Sarah Mead (T.M.C. Asser Press) (forthcoming publication)

  • 2017: "The Obligations of the Parties under the Law of the Sea Convention Pending the Final Settlement of a Maritime Delimitation Dispute over the Continental Shelf"in New Approaches to the Law of the Sea, Book in Honour to Ambassador José Antonio de Yturriaga  (NOVA Publishers)

  • 2017: “Joinder of Cases: Strengthening the Sound Administration of Justice and the Judicial Economy”, Nicaragua before the International Court of Justice: Impacts on International Law” - Edited by Mr. Edgardo Sobenes and Mr. Benjamin Samson (Springer)

Articles (International Journals/Encyclopedia)

  • 2021: 10 New Insights in Climate Science 2020 - a Horizon Scan, published by Cambridge University Press, 27-01-2021

  • 2020: "Competencia Prima Facie de la Corte Internacional de Justicia: Medidas Provisionales", ElDial - Suplemento de Derecho Internacional Público, 22-10-2020

  • 2020: 'Non-Compliance of Judgments and the Inherent Jurisdiction of the ICJ', Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies (JTMS), Vol. 7, Number 1

  • 2019: “Recourse to the Security Council (Article 94 of the United NationsCharter)”, Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law (EiPro)

  • 2018: “Res Judicata and the Test of Finality”, Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies (JTMS), Vol. 5, Number 2 (summer/fall 2018)​

  • 2016: “General Overview on recent developments of Maritime Delimitation beyond 200 nautical miles: a recognized jurisdiction of international courts and tribunals”, KMI, International Journal of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (Vol. 8, Issue 1)

  • 2015: "Historic Waters Regime: A potential Legal Solution to Sea Level Rise", KMI International Journal of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (Vol. 7, Issue 1)

  • 2014: “Delimited and Undelimited Maritime Boundaries of Nicaragua in the Central American Region”, Dokdo Research Journal, KMI (Korean Maritime Institute), 2014 Winter Vol.29

  • 2013: Subsequent Agreements and Subsequent Practice in Relation to Interpretation of Treaties." Group Report at the 49th Session International Law Seminar, Geneva

  • 2011: "Special procedure in the application of provisional measures when the Court has no jurisdiction to decide the merits of the case", The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea "First Edition, Oceans Magazine, National Maritime Authority (ANAMAR),Dominican Republic


  • 2024: Training Programme on Law of the Sea for Diplomats and Officials from ASEAN Member States and the ASEAN Secretariat, NILOS and Clingendael Institute, "Litigation before the ICJ", Peace Palace (The Hague, Netherlands)

  • 2024: Ministry of Justice of Eritrea, " Values and Justice - Multi-Disciplinary Dialogue on the Integration of Eritrean values in the Legal Framework" (Asmara, Eritrea)

  • 2024: Cátedra Jean Monnet de Derecho Ambiental de la UE, Universidad de Barcelona (Barcelona)"Litigación climática en los tribunales internacionales"(Barcelona, Spain)

  • 2023: International Development Law Office (The Hague), Towards a progressive ICJ advisory opinion on climate change: A multi-stakeholder discussion on the Youth Climate Justice Handbook.launch of the Youth Climate Justice Handbook

  • 2022: Asser Institute,  Responsibility of international/transnational lawyers (The Hague ,Netherlands)

  • 2022: Le Club de Droit International, An ICJ Advisory Opinion on Climate Change? (The Hague, Netherlands)

  • 2022: Leiden University, Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies: The Institutionalization of the Ocean Governance (Netherlands)

  • 2022: Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance (SCELG), University of Strathclyde Law School: Environmental Litigation before the ICJ: How effective can it be ? (Glasgow, Scotland)

  • 2021: The Hague University of Applied Sciences: Negotiation: A Double-Edged Sword (The Hague ,Netherlands)

  • 2021:III Edición - Curso de Derecho Internacional Contemporáneo, Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Internacional (SPDI): La Efectividad de la Negociación o el Litigio de Conflictos Internacionales: Decisiones Estratégicas (Perú)

  • 2021: GLS University (India): Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes: Negotiation and Judicial Settlement (India)

  • 2021: Universidad de Almería: La Adopción de una Política Jurídica Exterior y los Equipos Legales (España)

  • 2021: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo: Mecanismos de Solución de Conflicto ICJ y Existencia de una Disputa (Perú)

  • 2021: Cursos de verano online de las Preparatorias del Tecnológico de Monterrey: Derecho Internacional y Coexistencia Pacífica (México)

  • 2020: Universidad de Buenos Aires: El Derecho Ambiental Internacional a través de Cortes y Tribunales Internacionales  (Argentina) 

  • 2019: Leiden University : Behind the Curtains of International Litigation (Netherlands)

  • 2019: Utrecht University: Behind the Curtains of International Litigation (Netherlands)

  • 2019: Queen Mary University: Behind the Curtains of International Litigation (United Kingdom, London)

  • 2018: Queen Mary University: Behind the Curtains of International Litigation (United Kingdom, London)


©2018 by Edgardo Sobenes International Litigation and Arbitration.

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